you know what really bugs me?
"I hate when people tell me they can't help me because it's 'not their department.'"
have you worked customer service/retail a day in your LIFE? seriously, every employee can't be expected to know every aspect of the company. division of labor is a wonderful thing that means people can work more efficiently. I think what you really hate is that you are not 'precious' enough in the eyes of the company that they won't just bow to your every demand and cough up the knowledge they're obviously pretending not to have just so they don't have to help you.
another thing that bugs me is people who claim to be too dumb to understand technology. "oh, I will never be able to click a mouse, I just don't know anything about those things." you push it, just like any other button. you click whatever you want to, and if it doesn't do the thing you want, click on something else. click twice perhaps. click with the other button. FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE, just try random crap. if you don't know what you're doing, actually read the things that come up and use your logic and reasoning skills to figure out what it means. 99% of dialog boxes are not technical terms. you know what "OK" means. are you okay with what the box says? THEN CLICK IT.
however, I do like steak. I had a delicious steak this weekend. it had a lobster and mushroom topping on it and I really want another one. someday when I am not broke, I will eat lots of steak.