
It's taken me a whole year, but I finally feel like I'm starting to get on top of my finances again. I'm still broke for all intents and purposes, but I feel better about it all. I certainly feel more comfortable month to month now. Part of it is thanks to the nice chunk of change I got back with my tax refund, but having that has enabled me to make some changes that are saving me more in the long run, like changing my huge phone contract out for something much more reasonable, paying my credit cards down more, and paying my car insurance policy in full so I don't have to worry about it for several months. We were going to have to move into an apartment soon anyway but now it feels much more viable and I feel like I'll actually be able to contribute and feel comfortable doing so. And soon I'll hopefully be making more at work... Yay. Maybe we can afford a nicer place before too long? One can hope lol.

In other news, I am really into kpop still. I'm totally loving the new song Blue by Big Bang. It's so good, and what I love is that it kind of breaks away from the usual kpop sound. It sounds more like the American style of pop, and while I'm no American culture devotee per se, it's a neat thing to see. Er. Hear. Anyway. I've been watching the K Crunch Indie segments on Eatyourkimchi too, and loving them. So good. It's nice to see more than one dimension to Korean music.

Also, today I went out and bought Jacob's birthday present :) I'm excited! His birthday is in two weeks. I should have waited to buy the present because I sick at waiting to give presents, I get so anxious :P but I couldn't wait to get them because I had the perfect idea! So yay :)

Oh, I also had a tasty Five Guys burger. Nom!


Rippito fippito sippi slow motion!

I don't feel epically great today. This is a combination of the fact that I am hormonal from PMS, took some Sudafed on an empty stomach today, and am having bad allergies due to a horribly warm winter leading to needing the Sudafed in the first place. So I'm kinda meh. I did at least get to sleep in which is always nice, but still I feel pretty meh. Maybe because of how long I slept, partially. Oh well.

Jacob and I are still trying to figure out our future living situation, made more difficult by the fact that he has been working every day for the past month and it's hard to find a place to live when you can't go out looking very often. So I think we're going to be stuck living at the first place we looked at that other day, which is not horrible but... I'd just prefer not to. But oh well. His dad wants us to have a move schedule planned by the time he gets back in town next week. That's fair, since we did say we wanted to be out by the end of March, but it's a little tight if we want to look anywhere else. Jacob isn't working Fridays anymore for this month, but one Friday doesn't mean we can achieve much. Maybe we can look at a few other places though.

Complicating matters further is the fact that I am still making like no money at work. My next paycheck is going to be abysmal because I am simply getting no hours. I don't know what to do about it either. Other people are getting plenty of hours so clearly there hours to be had but I'm kind of afraid to talk to scheduling about it lol. Oh well. I AM getting crosstrained in robotics at least, so that's the training incentive plus hopefully more teams. Since they usually don't have enough robotics people they usually get teams more often... Hope so. That would be great. I hear robotics teams are easy too lol.

Life otherwise is not bad though. Jacob's dad offered to buy us the bed we wanted for our apartment and is giving us a couch if it will fit in our place. There was some bad weather here Friday, but it didn't come down where I live and it looks like the part that went up by where my sister lives went north of them, so that's good. I still need to check up on my storage unit but it survived last April's storms so I'm not too worried. Our cat is still adorable, I've been having fun in WoW and I'm even still knitting, so things can't all be that bad :P also I've been enjoying the new phone I got from Ting, which is saving me so much money and thus rocks endlessly. I was able to afford it due to an awesomely large tax refund, which hopefully will also find a dentist visit and maybe a lady doctor one as well. I love this phone also because it has a keyboard, which rocks and upon which I am currently typing this post :P

Oh, and I got to go to Cricket's with Jacob last night. Always win :) he is amazing as always. He keeps accidentally calling me his wife to his guides in Vent which amuses me greatly :P but he is right, it may as well already be true! I can't wait... :) soon we will be married... Really soon. I always forget how soon July really is! Aaaahhh, I'm so excited :)

But... Now I want more chicken wings.