
argh. I borked my WoW install and I'm quite annoyed about it. naturally, I broke it trying to fix something else that if I had just waited a day would have been fixed by the patch Blizzard put out yesterday. so the way I had tried to fix it actually kept me from getting the patch, which meant I couldn't play the game at all. sooo I decided to reinstall, but apparently I never deleted the cached installation files from the first time I downloaded it, so it reinstalled from those and for some reason refused to patch up. SO I went back and deleted those and am now redownloading and reinstalling completely. if that doesn't work, I'm honestly thinking about dumping everything important from my laptop onto my external hard drive (which seriously needs some organization, btw; that might be a holiday project) and wiping it. I've been wanting to split the drive more evenly between the two partitions anyway because my Windows partition is TINY and I'm forever running out of space on it. sigh.

I really don't feel very good. I seriously hope I'm not getting sick, because while Keni is a great guy, nurturing is totally not his thing and I'm pretty sure would have to take care of myself if I was sick. which is just no fun. and besides, I have to do school work and work work and I'm really relying on both and actually managing to do well so far this semester, so I can't afford a wrench in the gears right now. ugh. but my nose is all stuffed up, and naturally I can't get any Sudafed without jumping through a billion hoops, so I think I might be heading down the road of a sinus infection. PLEASE NO. I can't deal with that right now.

Keni did not win at the tournament yesterday :( he was pretty bummed about it. I bet it was because he didn't have his hat!

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