
well, it's been a sucky weekend, lol. there have been a few bright spots, but not many. we finally got the new part for the toilet, but can't get the old one off, so we haven't fixed it yet. at least the water is off to it so it doesn't make noise anymore.

and I tried to stretch to 0g last night - actually I did stretch to 0g last night, the plugs went in fine - but it was way too early, which I knew, and still tried to do it anyway, and at first it was fine but then when I was trying to sleep it was unbearable pain that was keeping me awake. so I went back to 2. sigh. I know I need to get some 1g stuff, but it's so hard to find. the people on BAF buy it up as soon as it gets posted because it's so rare. that really pisses me off. I can't afford it anyway though, so I guess it doesn't really matter. for an exercise that's supposed to be teaching me patience, it sure does anything but.

and overall I'm just not happy with the state of things. that's not even true - I hate the state of things. but I don't think it's going to change any time soon, or basically ever, so I'm stuck being unhappy until I can get over it. ugggggh.

one of these days I will have something happy to post and stop depressing people... lol.

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