
totally cool.

So a lot of stuff has been going on in my world lately. The boy and I have an application in at an apartment complex we really like, and I'm going there tomorrow to get them a copy of my ID so they can let us know if we're approved and such, hopefully by the end of the week. We have a bed and we picked out a mattress, and I'm getting more and more excited and somewhat totally freaked out every day, haha. I really hope the apartment comes through for us because I cannot wait to have our own space and actually start building our life together. It's going to be at least a little easier now that summer is picking up at camp and our busy season is looming upon us. Also, robotics training, which I was pleased to be picked for, is next week! I'm excited about that too. It feels like a secret club lol.

I do hope that with the busy season and robo training I'll start getting more teams again though and remember what it is that made me love camp so much in the first place. As much as I complain about it, and I totally don't want to go to work tomorrow (though that's mostly because it's so EARLY), I do love my job. I don't want to be there forever, but I feel like I could stay a while. It's easily my favorite job ever. The past few weeks I've had teams that really reminded me what can be so awesome about camp. Kids who are actually eager to learn and will feed off you being silly, who will respect you more because you have no shame and can be 'one of them.' then again there are the ones who won't respect you no matter what, who are little banshee and will run all over and generally be unholy terrors, and there are ALWAYS some bad chaperones, but. Camp is fun. No doubt there.

Part of the reason I'm having a hard time with stuff lately though is that between the major amounts of stress, the lack of sleep, and my normal mental issues, plus the hormonalness I'm dealing with this week, all those usual mental issues are just magnified. The giant beast is looming. I hope it gives up soon. I don't have time to be prey right now.