
I should be studying.

that's right, I have two of my hardest exams tomorrow, Western Civ and fitness for life, and what am I doing? knitting, blogging, reading knitblogs, reading a book, scheming up fanfiction and wishing there was still a working MUD for said book, and craving food. I need salt desperately. I crave teriyaki beef jerky. but alas, the stuff in the caf tonight is going to be positively disgusting. looks like it's another pasta and salad night.

in other news, sock the first is almost done. I told myself I'd start studying after it was finished. so naturally I'm lazing about doing nothing. I love how my brain works... heh.



well, I got to sleep until 11 today. that was a rare treat. but I don't wanna go to western civ in the rain! even though it is our last class meeting... I just don't want to do it. I will though... kinda have to. tomorrow I also get to sleep until like 10:30. I love dead days before exams. =) no classes, or at least few classes, and knowing that school's almost up...

well, that means I also have to pack up, and you'd be amused at the progress I've made, which is none. basically, I cleaned my mirror, took everything off the tack strip, and packed up my printer and a few boxes of papers. that's it. I'm really on a roll here, aren't I? today I think I'm going to put on some rockin' music, pull out all the boxes I can find, and pack that sucker up. except for the necessary stuff of course. but yeah.

next year I'm going to be living in such a great dorm. ^_^ can't wait. only thing is it's smaller than my current room, so I'm going to have to prevent half of my stuff from travelling back to it as it did this year. however, the dorm I'm living in next year has an elevator. yay! so even though I'm gonna live on the fifth floor... well, that's just fine and dandy. =)

I found my watch in my pocket last night. all resumes being well.


sob story

last night's ST meeting was so sad. all the seniors were sharing these great stories and it made me want to have been there so bad. but then I thought, I will be there someday, doing things that I can share stories about when I'm a senior and I have to face leaving all my sisters. anyway, we all cried. lots. and then we went and had a pizza party. Christina told Blake why we were having the party, which was because we had won the blood drive, and then she asked if he had donated blood, and when he said no, she took his pizza away and said he wasn't supposed to have any then. and the poor boy believed her. ^_^;; well, hey, there's a story. now I just have to hope that I get to talk about Blake at Beau Appreciation sometime because I want to tell that story. we heard some really funny stories about all the beaux last night, and about the seniors... well, it was a really good time. I didn't know Swannanoa used to be the owls. ^_^; that's kind of weird. but I much prefer bunnies. there was a photoshopped picture of an owl with bunny features. it was great.



it's the end of the semester as we know it

today was the last class meeting of New Testament (can we say 'yay?' that class was very interesting, but the prof kept us the WHOLE TIME every single time!). a week from today, final exams start. the semester is almost over! thank goodness.

however, that means that I'll have to move ALL my stuff back home, I'll be losing my grant because my GPA is almost assuredly not high enough, and I'll have to start my summer job. impending doom, anyone? oh well. next semester will come quickly, I'm sure, and next semester is gonna rock. as far as I know, it's my last semester of core, and I'm even taking two classes that are for my major (and one that also counts for my minor)! in case you're wondering what those are, I'm a mass comm major and a graphic design minor. exciting. very much emphasis on the linguistic and visual and not quite as much on the logical, although I know that design involves some logic and math for the spatial aspects. well, I'll deal.

next semester I'm also taking karate. and the semester following it as well. I always wanted to take karate. hooray.


ah, a breath of fresh air.

it's so nice to be, you know, somewhere that I don't have a HUMONGOUS banner ad smushing me. I love greymatter... but that'll just have to wait until I can actually get a domain of my own and won't have to bother with ads.

I really did want to keep schwa over on my greymatter site (I WILL NOT link the host I was using, simply because I wouldn't wish that on anyone) but I just couldn't do it. after looking at all the knitblogs people have on Blogger, and seeing how much Blogger had changed since I first used it (which was when it was HARD to use), I figured it really couldn't be that bad and decided to come back to it. I may be moving i only knit scarves over here at some point, we'll have to see how it goes. anyway... hi. =)