
ugh. I always get so super-emotional like ONE WEEK EXACTLY before my period. it never fails, precisely seven days beforehand I will become this horrid emotional wreck. it's like someone just flips a switch in my brain, and suddenly, bam. it's a nice predictor when I remember what it is, but if I don't have the presence of mind to say hey, I'm crying over nothing, flying into rages, and becoming manically happy afterwards... must be PMSing, honestly it confuses the hell out of me. sometimes my boyfriend has to remind me, heh. I'm just glad he seems to put up with it. I'm normally somewhat volatile in my emotions - the depression will do that to ya - but catch me on the week before Shark Week and it's like ten times worse. heh.

also, food cravings liek whoa. nothing sounded edible today except Domino's. not the pizza, because their pizza sucks. but definitely the cheese bread, and a pasta. only somehow I managed to leave the sauce off the pasta (I wanted the three-cheese sauce, but forgot to click the bubble) so it wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be, and the cheese bread was a little overcooked. but it was still delicious. I got mushrooms with the pasta, and there was lots of cheese all over it, so it sort of made up for it. and the bread still tasted great, just had a bunch of burnt cheese at the edges I had to pull off. it was a good meal - way too greasy, my stomach is so pissed, lol - but it was good.

now the only thing that sounds good is Coke, though. good thing I have a fridge full of it. I'm so addicted to it now, it's weird. for a while, the only thing I ever wanted to drink was Mountain Dew. (mostly when I was still at MC.) then Vault, then Dr Pepper (though I've always liked that). now, I'm on a serious Coke binge. I just can't get enough. preferably out of cans, but I do have a small budget set aside for buying a bottle at school now and then on the days I'm stuck on campus between classes. it's strange though. for a while I didn't feel like drinking Coke (though I still would) because it didn't seem to have enough flavor. now I like it best again. weird. I'll still drink just about anything though, so long as it isn't grape or diet. I looove Baja Blast, it sucks that only Taco Bell has it, but I love Taco Bell anyway, so who cares :P

Keni is off at a StarCraft II tournament today. I hope he does well. the prizes for first through third place are really pretty good, decent percentages of the pool of registration money. he would be excited about that, plus he'd be happy just to feel good at the game like that. I knit him a hat with a Protoss patch on it, but he didn't get to come home in time to get it for the tournament. that upset me a little. actually after I called him to see if he was going to come get it, I cried a little. (see what I mean? overemotional.) but it's okay. two hours of work, which is just going to be rendered partially useless anyway because this hat is just a stand-in and I'm going to be taking the patch off and putting it on a different hat once the yarn comes in - sure, that's fine :P eh. I'll probably end up wearing the base hat myself, it's pretty cool. it's black with a blue stripe mixed in where the patch goes. I'll probably put some pictures up on the knitblog later. (yeah, just how long do I actually think I'm going to maintain two blogs, lol)

my allergies are bad today too. lame.

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